Most Galarm features work when you are offline. Please review specific details below.
If you have not registered using your phone number, all Galarm features are available to you regardless of whether you are offline or online. As is obvious, you have to be online to register using your phone number.
If you have registered using your phone number, you will see the following behavior when you are offline:
- Any personal, group or buddy alarms that were already scheduled while you were online will ring as expected.
- You may create personal alarms and those will ring as expected. Note that if you add backups to your personal alarms, they will receive notification of the alarm only when you are online.
- You will not be able to create group and buddy alarms
- You will not be able to add groups
- If someone else were to create an alarm and add you as a participant while you were offline, those alarms will not be scheduled until you come online.
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